Music Theatre Summer Workshops for ages 5-18 begin near the end of June! (Check dates below for each age group)
Early registration not only saves you money and helps the staff prepare, it also assures you a spot. Space is limited!!!! Please register at least two weeks prior to session! REGISTER by mail or ONLINE.
Classes held at St. Matthew Lutheran Church 1200 E Churchville Rd., Bel Air, MD
Last day of session and performance held at the Highlands School 409 Creswell Rd, (Rt. 543) Bel Air. MD
Theatreworks Jr. Ages 5 – 8 9:00 a.m. – Noon Monday-Friday June 26 –July 6 and July 7 afternoon dress rehearsal and evening performance. (no class July 4)
Imagination abounds for the young actors! Participants will be introduced to multiple aspects of performance (voice, dance and creative drama) through the production of a short musical play, Tuition: $150 ($130 if paid by June 1)
Musical Theatreworks Ages 9 – 13 9:15 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Monday-Friday June 26 –July 6 and July 7 afternoon dress rehearsal and evening performance (no class July 4) .
Shiver your timbers as participants build performance skills through the production of the one-act swashbuckling musical comedy Captain Bree and her Lady Pirates. Emphasis is placed on vocal presentation skills, and dance movement along with the actor’s development through theatre games, improvisation and character study. Tuition: $240 ($220 if paid by June 1)
Advanced Theatreworks Ages 14 – 18 10 a.m.-2 pm on June 21,22,23 & 9:15 a.m.-2:00 p.m. June 26-July 6 Monday-Friday & July 7 afternoon dress rehearsal and evening performance. (no class June 30 or July 4)
The primary objective of the course is to coach the actor in the recognition of character and story and portray it through song. The young actors will also work on short monologues or scenes in the progression to musical theatre styles. The focus will be on duets, trios, and quartets, as well as production numbers. Tuition: $260 ($240 if paid by June 1)
Please arrange to arrive NO MORE THAN 10 MINUTES BEFORE CLASS and be picked up PROMPTLY AT THE END OF SESSIONS.
Tuition includes a NON-REFUNDABLE $15 Administrative fee. Full tuition will be refunded in case of cancellation due to insufficient enrollment. A 10 % tuition discount will apply to siblings of a registrant. For MORE INFORMATION call 410-638-0806 or email
If mailing in a registration, please copy and print the information requested below and mail it along with your tuition
Theatreworks…Live ! , Inc. Registration Form
Last Name_________________________First Name_________________________________
Age________ Birth Date___________________ Telephone #________________
Email address_______________________________________
Course Title________________________________________
Check #____________ Total Amount enclosed_______________ (10% discount for sibling registered)
T-Shirt size: Youth: ___YXS, ___YS, ___YM, ___YL Adult: ___S, ___M, ___L, ___XL, ___XXL
Make all checks payable to Theatreworks…Live!, Inc. P.O Box 685, Bel Air, MD210140685.
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