All classes held at St.Matthew’s Lutheran Church, 1200 Churchville Rd., Bel Air, MD
Sept, 16 class location will be The Highland’s School 2409 Creswell Rd. (rt. 543), Bel Air, MD
All classes end with a presentation for families and friends on Oct. 28 at 11:30 am at the Highlands School.
Theatreworks Jr.
Ages 5 – 8 11:00 a.m.-Noon I
An exciting journey for the junior actor. Students will be introduced to the skills of theatre… singing, dance and acting….through the acting out of stories, poems, and short plays as they have fun discovering the very heart of theatre…pretending. This session will focus on a Halloween/Fall theme.
Tuition: $70
Musical Theatreworks
Ages 9 – 12 Section 1 Ages 13-18 Section 2 9:30-11 a.m.
This session will focus on songs from spooky, creepy and weird musicals to celebrate the favorite part of the fall season (Little Shop of Horrors, Young Frankenstein, Phantom, Wicked etc.) Acting skills, vocal presentation, and dance will be the foundation of the young actor’s learning experience.
Tuition: $95
Acting Skills (scene study)
Ages 13 – 18 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Acting skills including line delivery, character development and interaction, timing and stage business, will be the focus of our session. We will use scenes, skits, short plays or monologues with a Halloween theme for our scene study session.
Tuition: $90
Please arrange to arrive NO MORE THAN 10 MINUTES BEFORE CLASS and be picked up PROMPTLY AT THE END OF SESSIONS.
Tuition includes a non-refundable $15 Administrative fee. Full tuition will be refunded in case of cancellation due to insufficient enrollment. A 10 % tuition discount will apply to siblings of a registrant. For MORE INFORMATION call 410-638-0806 or email :
You may register online or use the Theatreworks…Live ! , Inc. Registration Form below and mail to Thetreworks…Live!, Inc. PO Box 685 Bel Air, MD 21o14
Last Name________________________________________
First Name_________________________________
Age________ Birth Date___________________ Telephone #________________
Email address_______________________________________
Course Title________________________________________
Check #____________ Total Amount enclosed_______________ (10% discount for sibling registered)
Make all checks payable to Theatreworks…Live!, Inc. P.O Box 685, Bel Air, MD 21014-0685.
Early registration not only helps the staff prepare, it also assures you a spot. Space is limited!!!! Please register at least one week prior to session!
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